Voyage Calculator

Plan your voyage in advance, beyond the weather forecast range, and reasonably estimate voyage costs, including hire rates and fuel consumption.

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Key benefits

Discover your ideal voyage option

Display voyage costs with related voyage time, fuel consumption, and emissions.

Consider weather and currents

Accurately calculate the sea margin for a more reliable voyage time and duration with StormGeo’s proprietary climatological ship resistance model.

Analyze your voyage costs

Consider speed, consumption options, time spent in port, hire, fuel, and other costs in your calculation.

Details & Specifications

StormGeo Voyage Caculator Thorough voyage evaluation

Thoroughly evaluate all available voyage options

Analyze different speed options by means of the voyage summary in relation to fuel consumption, CO2 emissions, total costs, and other operational indicators.

StormGeo Voyage Caculator Calculate the Voyage v2

Calculate the voyage

Predict the cost of a voyage for a generic or specific vessel, including: 

  • Fuel costs
  • Hire costs
  • Port costs
  • Canal costs

The progression of the calculated route can be viewed on the map.

StormGeo Voyage Caculator Predcit CO2 Emission

Predict CO2 emissions applicable for the calculated voyage

Calculate the total CO2 emissions under EU MRV jurisdiction and subject to EU ETS.

Contact us to request a demo, or to speak with a StormGeo representative.

The full StormGeo s-Insight


s-Insight gives you the tools to manage the commercial, technical and environmental performance of your entire fleet. 

Work with StormGeo's world-leading Fleet Performance Center to validate and interpret your data throughout your voyage. Use our monthly/quarterly reports to see where you can cut costs and keep your fleet compliant. Or take advantage of our ad hoc investigation service.

Explore s-Insight